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Find out who voted to gut the Office of Government Ethics

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House Republicans on Monday voted to eviscerate the Office of Congressional Ethics, the independent body created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers after several bribery and corruption scandals sent members to prison.

What’s worse, they are trying to keep their votes a secret.

While the House GOP stripped the new rule today once their efforts were exposed, it is still extremely important to find out which members voted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics in the first place. Knowing who’s willing to take this step will be key to stopping them from trying again in the future.

Zephyr Teachout is working with the Sunlight Foundation, Demand Progress, and dozens of other groups so we can track who voted to gut their own ethics agency. If Republicans are going to try gut the office that checks corruption in Congress, we deserve to know who voted to make it happen.

Please CALL your Member of Congress and ask the staffer that answers: “Did you vote for the Goodlatte Amendment to gut the Office of Government Ethics?” Report what the Congressmember told you and we’ll add to the public whipsheet.

Content from an activist email from Zephyr Teachout.