I’m increasingly concerned about the underwhelming steps we’ve taken to mitigate the risk of climate change. We know that the fossil fuel industry owns the votes of many politicians by means of lobbying/bribery. These politicians have sold out life on Earth in exchange for funds that ensure they stay in power.
On November 6th we have a chance to elect candidates that are vocal about the threat of climate change and have plans to reduce the catastrophic impacts we will face if we don’t do abundantly more. This year I donated more to democratic candidates than all other elections combined in my life. With the election of anti-EPA Trump we have taken a sad turn towards human extinction and it’s imperative that we step up now before we spiral even further to our doom. I isolated 80 races around America in which a donation can make a meaningful impact in the outcome of the race and I created an Act Blue fundraiser. Please donate through this page and share the link on your social media sites to help encourage voters to elect leaders that value human life.
As a father it’s my job to ensure that my son has a livable earth throughout his life. As a human it’s my duty to leave the planet better than I found it. Please join me.