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How do we explain Tyler Henry?

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Tyler Henry is great at this

I answered the title question today at Atheism United.

It’s not our duty to “explain” Tyler Henry. There are numerous ways he could be performing his tricks. Without him subjecting himself to a controlled laboratory study, it is hard for us to know which method(s) he’s employing.

The existence of celebrity mediums like Tyler Henry simply alerts us to the fact that people are easily misled into believing in supernatural claims, even while such claims lack any scientific credibility.

What do we know about every element that goes into producing a Tyler Henry TV segment? We likely don’t know much about the production elements that could give Tyler the ability to “cheat.” However, we do know some of the ways that mediums make their trickery seem real.

Mediums are skilled in the art of cold reading and exploiting human psychology. They use broad, vague statements that can apply to almost anyone, then refine their “insights” based on the reactions they observe. This technique, along with a sprinkling of educated guesses, often convinces people that these mediums have special powers. It’s a classic example of the Forer effect, where individuals believe that generic statements are highly accurate for them personally.

Mediums often perform in emotionally charged situations, where people are seeking closure or answers about loved ones. This vulnerability makes individuals more susceptible to believing in the medium’s supposed powers. It’s a combination of wishful thinking, a desire for comfort in times of loss, and the medium’s skillful manipulation of information.

There’s also the aspect of selective memory playing a crucial role. People tend to remember the “hits” or accurate guesses a medium makes while forgetting the numerous misses. This selective recall further reinforces the illusion of the medium’s abilities.

Of course, there’s also the James Randi $1 million challenge. For many years, Randi offered a reward to anyone who could demonstrate, under controlled scientific conditions, evidence of any supernatural abilities, including those claimed by mediums and psychics. Despite this incentive, not a single individual has been able to claim the prize. Many tried, many were invited, everyone has failed.

Randi’s challenge, and its unclaimed status, highlights the absence of verifiable evidence for any supernatural phenomena. It serves as an indictment of the claims made by mediums like Tyler Henry and others in the psychic industry. The failure of any medium to pass this test under controlled conditions suggests that their supposed abilities do not extend beyond well-practiced tricks and illusions designed to exploit human emotion and credulity.

In the absence of empirical evidence and given the plethora of psychological tricks at play, the claims of mediums like Tyler Henry should be viewed as nothing more than a well-crafted performance, designed to deceive and entertain rather than to provide any genuine spiritual communication. The belief in such mediums is a testament to the power of human credulity and the appeal of mystical explanations over rational, scientific reasoning.