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If humans evolved from apes, why do apes still exist?

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The theistic argument, “If humans evolved from apes, why do apes still exist?” is a common misconception that might stem from a misunderstanding of the theory of evolution. Do you think it’s simply a dishonest ploy?

The theory of evolution doesn’t propose that humans evolved from modern apes; rather, it shows that humans and modern apes share a common ancestor. Over millions of years, populations of this common ancestor diversified, resulting in the different species we see today, including both humans and modern apes.

In essence, humans and apes took separate evolutionary paths, each adapting to their own environments and developing distinct traits. The theist question about “why do apes still exist” overlooks the fundamental principle of evolution and the concept of branching lineages.

The existence of modern apes does not negate the theory of human evolution but rather supports the notion of biodiversity and the intricate web of life on Earth, where species continue to adapt and evolve over time in response to changing environmental pressures.

On the other hand, the Bible (Genesis 2:7) tells us that “God formed Man out of dirt from the ground…” If someone were truly to believe that when something comes from something else, the previous thing ceases to exist, one must wonder: why is there still dirt? Clearly this argument/question is weak.