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Here’s how to save Americans from Republican-led misinformation

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Atheists have an advantage in exposing theism as untenable—their arguments remain constant, unlike Republican propaganda, which shifts every 2-4 years with each election cycle’s new set of fake issues. From trickle-down economics to ‘stop the steal,’ purveyors of truth face an ever-changing landscape of misinformation. Meanwhile, millions are engulfed in a 24/7 stream of right-wing propaganda, voting against their own interests in favor of billionaires.

Genuine journalism offers an escape, but right-wing media indoctrinates, making its followers resistant to facts. A Fox News viewer knows less than someone who watches no news at all. The most promising solution? Litigation. Alex Jones was sued into bankruptcy, and Fox News paid $787.5 million for election lies. Imagine a charity that funds lawsuits against disinformation. As fake networks face legal consequences, viewers might return to reputable news, reversing propaganda’s damage and restoring America’s grasp on reality.

Trump is the gatling gun liar telling 477 lies in the debate.

The Gatling Gun Liar Told 477+ Lies in the Debate

Trump’s Gatling gun of lies was on full display at the recent debate, where I counted at least 477 lies in just 41 minutes. Mainstream media gave him a pass, claiming there were only 33+, but that’s likely because they ignore the constant stream of smaller lies he spews between big policy falsehoods. Want an example? Trump claims nobody thinks about Russia having nukes. Really? Do you know anyone who hasn’t? It’s one of hundreds of casual lies he tells that go unchecked. Then, there’s the moment he contradicts himself mid-sentence: “people don’t go to her rallies” followed by “the people that do go.” His lies are endless, designed to overwhelm listeners and make it impossible to keep up. I’m just one person counting them, but I want to show you how well-informed people hear Trump—lies, nonstop. Check out my documentation and the full breakdown in my photo album.