
How do we explain Tyler Henry?

The existence of celebrity mediums like Tyler Henry simply alerts us to the fact that people are easily misled into…

6 months ago

When interacting with religious individuals, do you view them as naive or silly?

When interacting with religious individuals, I view their beliefs critically, recognizing that these beliefs often stem from indoctrination and compartmentalization,…

6 months ago

Unveiling the Truth: How the Church Resisted Science for Centuries

There's a trend among theists to argue that the Church embraces science, but this revisionist and biased mindset overlooks the…

6 months ago

House Speaker Mike Johnson is on the board of Ray Comfort’s publishing company

The recent revelation that House Speaker Mike Johnson holds a board position at Ray Comfort's Living Waters Publications is unsettling.…

6 months ago

Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she’s a Christian, a Rational Response

Her rationale for becoming a Christian lacks a concrete, tenable reason for god belief, relying instead on the fallacy of…

6 months ago

Why atheists might not enjoy “I’ll pray for you”

Allow me to get this out of the way from the start:Do some people say "I'll pray for you" with…

6 months ago