I don’t wish people Merry Christmas, but have a nice day.

4 months ago

I've now gone multiple years without directing the words "Merry Christmas" at someone in the traditional sense of wishing a…

Happy Solstice to all, and to all a good night.

4 months ago

Across the globe, from Stonehenge to Newgrange, ancient monuments align with the solstice sun, showcasing humanity's long-standing reverence for our…

Babies are atheists! Arguing otherwise likely harms atheists.

5 months ago

The concept that babies are born atheists is not just a statement of defiance against theistic norms but a factual…

How we’ll exist past our deaths (an ‘afterlife’ of sorts).

5 months ago

We know that the matter and energy comprising you will continue to exist beyond your death, certainly for millions of…

Tarot Cards are Nonsense

5 months ago

In the case of people who read their own cards, they're using pieces of paper that have been placed on…

We Know Astrology is Ancient Nonsense

5 months ago

Endorsing astrology dismisses the rigorous standards of proof and falsifiability essential to the scientific method, undermining our collective pursuit of…

How do we explain Tyler Henry?

5 months ago

The existence of celebrity mediums like Tyler Henry simply alerts us to the fact that people are easily misled into…

When interacting with religious individuals, do you view them as naive or silly?

5 months ago

When interacting with religious individuals, I view their beliefs critically, recognizing that these beliefs often stem from indoctrination and compartmentalization,…

Unveiling the Truth: How the Church Resisted Science for Centuries

6 months ago

There's a trend among theists to argue that the Church embraces science, but this revisionist and biased mindset overlooks the…

House Speaker Mike Johnson is on the board of Ray Comfort’s publishing company

6 months ago

The recent revelation that House Speaker Mike Johnson holds a board position at Ray Comfort's Living Waters Publications is unsettling.…