Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she’s a Christian, a Rational Response

6 months ago

Her rationale for becoming a Christian lacks a concrete, tenable reason for god belief, relying instead on the fallacy of…

Why atheists might not enjoy “I’ll pray for you”

6 months ago

Allow me to get this out of the way from the start:Do some people say "I'll pray for you" with…

Evolution Misconceptions: A Rational Response

6 months ago

Today I'll provide a rational response to Minivuzo Kpuomonu. They're currently posting the following statement in atheist groups predicated on…

If humans evolved from apes, why do apes still exist?

6 months ago

The theistic argument, "If humans evolved from apes, why do apes still exist?" is a common misconception that might stem…

Jesus of Judea was never alive.

6 months ago

The existence of Jesus may seem like an accepted historical fact. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this…

An open letter to theists

6 months ago

Theistic belief is pollution of the mind. It's a concept that stifles the soaring wings of freethought, weighing it down…

Are my agnostic friends just afraid to admit that they are atheist?

6 months ago

I have friends that will say "I'm agnostic, I don't know what is out there". That makes me wonder if…

Jean Messlier the atheist priest of the 1700’s

6 months ago

Did you know that the 1700s harbored an intriguing figure in the history of atheism? Jean Meslier, an atheist priest,…

If god exists, he’d be a theist, stop saying he’d be an atheist

6 months ago

"God himself is an atheist because God himself does not believe in a creator." - random internet atheist About once…

The Incoherence of Ben Shapiro’s Free Will Argument for God

6 months ago

The argument presented posits that belief in free will is the best argument for the existence of God. However, this…