
Vote Democrat to save America

It's time. Vote the compulsive lying sociopath out of office and vote Democrat down ballot to give Democrats enough of…

4 years ago

Trump’s lies led to a 3% worldwide stock market selloff today

Trump lied about the result of his dinner with Xi regarding the trade war. Yesterday millions of people put billions…

5 years ago

Donald Trump diagnosed with malignant narcissism

Just before the election I wrote a piece about Donald Trump being a sociopath: This week a psychotherapist, John…

7 years ago

Make America Great Again

Depending on the metric you use the United States of America is anywhere from the 5th-30th best country on Earth.…

7 years ago

The portions of Trump’s Inaugural address that he actually wrote

UPDATE: It's leaked that Bannon and Miller wrote the Inaugural Address. Trump is a conman. ORIGINAL STORY: A few days…

7 years ago

Donation & thanks to Congress people boycotting Trump inauguration

As you probably heard Representative John Lewis has called the election of Donald Trump, illegitimate.  He will not be attending…

7 years ago

Please help find social media accounts for these Republican electors

The electors from the following red states won't have a penalty for changing their vote. I believe we should spend…

7 years ago

Trump picks hated greedy CEO for Sec of Labor

Today Trump chose Hardee's and Carl's Jr CEO/owner to run the Labor department.  Andrew Puzder is against a minimum wage…

7 years ago